Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tactics to Employ When Tackling a Looming Scandal Part II

To continue our discussion on containing a client's potential crisis as quickly and efficiently as possible we offer the next three steps for building a solid foundations of effective message control.
  1. Perform a vulnerability audit on the other side. What is the enemy's weakness? What is their greatest fear of being made public? Sometimes just understanding what the other side is afraid of enables the client to simply threaten to expose that information and control can be regained.
  2. When the other side starts to break down- up your game. Often the only way to know if your media plan is achieving its purpose is when the other side shows their hand. For instance, counsel calls and asks for a gag order or requests a settlement meeting. Don't give in too easily- if anything, show them you are serious by tightening the screws- grant one more interview, don't return the call of the opposing counsel or make a statement that you're "In it for the long haul". Anything that will break down the other side psychologically.
  3. When the settlement is reached insist on control over the press release announcing the case is over. Good PR means never giving up control of the message until the lights are off and everyone has gone home. Keep pushing - you want to make sure your client's message is the last one standing in the court of public opinion.

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