Monday, December 2, 2013

Want More Facebook Likes?

Its an elusive beast- corralling people into "liking" your firm page or individual attorney page.  I mean, Facebook isn't exactly Linkedin, experts liken it to a cocktail party where Linkedin can be considered a networking event.

People tend to visit Facebook for blowsy commentary and to see what their friends are up to- not to learn that a firm just settled a big case.  However, not having a profile on the site is out of the question as competitors have pages and solicit followers every chance they get. Also- Facebook is a very important link back to a firm's site for search engine optimization.  So the Facebook page must exist and it must appear popular.  Whats the answer when your "likes" are lagging?

Well, like most things, this problem can be solved if you throw some money at it. Check out this Facebook video explaining how to generate more likes for a page in increments of $5, $10 or $20 a day.

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