Friday, July 1, 2011

Received a Fantastic Referral Lately?

What are you doing to thank those who are doing your most effective marketing for you? A referral is the most valuable and effective, yet inexpensive business generator there is, yet I am continually shocked at how little attorneys who receive these referrals do to show their appreciation. Yeah, yeah, I know you are busy, we ALL are. But taking the time to show your appreciation will help you standout among your peers who don't take the time. With that in mind, why not take the time to generate a firm-wide system in place to thank those who help you?

Its easier than you think. Now obviously if you are a personal injury attorney, the referral fee you pay will obviously be thanks enough, but if you aren't paying for your referrals you owe the benefactor something. At the very least, a phone call of thanks followed up by a hand written note. If a particular attorney is continually sending business your way- why not cater lunch at their office one day? Or send a generous gift certificate for dinner for two? Do include these individuals on your Christmas card and gift list, and keep them updated on firm news, settlements and victories.

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