It really takes me back to my days as an under-paid, overworked and ego-driven reporter. This blog was started by two Gannett newspaper reporters, recently laid off form their jobs at the paper. Everything is randomly numbered on the blog so the reporters can keep adding items.
Some of my favorites include:
#10 Drinking
For a journalist, there are a few things to look forward to. There's the end of an election. The closing of a trial and of course when the town's annual rodeo/festival/art show is finally over. But after a long day of grilling elected officials, dredging through public records, chasing ambulances and writing 25-inch stories, journalists always have one thing to look forward to - relaxing with a tall cold one.
And of course, #75 Low Pay
When selecting a career, journalists knew they would make sacrifices: long hours, working holidays and low pay.
When young journalism students ask veteran journalists for advice, virtually all veterans reply with "go to business school."
However, journalists like the low pay because it allows them to focus on the news at hand rather than investing in the crashing stock market, buying a home in foreclosure or saving for retirement.
There are many more so take a break this Friday and have a laugh!
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