Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The more coverage of your firm’s news, the better, and that's why your firm website newsroom should be fully optimized. Here's how to do it:

Include your social content. Your latest blog posts, tweets, and other social content should be available from your newsroom. For examples, see Cisco Systems, BASF or Hitachi Data Systems.

Make it sharable. The easier it is for people to share your assets, the more likely it is your assets will get shared. The Electrolux newsroom features sharing options for every story and every release (as shown below). You can also make your assets sharable by adding embed codes, easily done by using file sharing sites like YouTube, SlideShare and Scribd to archive sharable versions of your material.

Let conversations happen. Commenting should be enabled on every press release and other content. Reading an interesting comment thread is often the inspiration people need to let others know about your company’s content.

Make it navigable. Tag clouds, useful search engines, clear categories (like on the Cisco Systems site) and other techniques can make it easy for reporters, editors, bloggers and others to find the material they’re looking for.

Make it easy for people to connect with you.
Unbelievably, some companies don’t even include phone numbers in online press releases. You should include a variety of contact methods, accommodating the means by which people connect, from email and Skype to the phone and Facebook.

Make it easy for people to stay connected. RSS feeds, email updates, SMS subscriptions and other options should allow people to opt in to get your news delivered to them.

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