Monday, March 30, 2015

Easy Steps for Writing a Great Bio

Law firm website statistics tell the story over and over again: Attorney bio pages grab the lion’s share of the site’s traffic. Clients, potential clients and referral sources want to know about you, your expertise and your experience. Why not reward them with an engaging and insightful picture of what you can do? It’s always hardest to do it for yourself (which is why many firms turn to us), but we think breaking it down into four steps makes it doable in about an hour.

Take the bio challenge.

First review the first paragraph.  This is your "grabber". If you can't grab the attention of the reader by answering the "what's in it for me" for question.  You are wasting your time.  Don't bury the lead.  Put your best foot forward. 

Keep your bio updated! Don't forget to put your latest and greatest on your bio page. Commit to updating your site at least once a month.

Put your best face forward! Make sure your bio picture reflects your best self.  If you haven't updated your photo in a couple years- its time.

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